Sanctuary Worship
Sanctuary Worship at First Church is designed to bring the worshiper closer to the Glory of God through the United Methodist tradition of singing hymns, reading of scriptures, prayer, and presentations to the Glory of God by a variety of choirs, organ and handbells.
The service uses other traditional elements such as the Lord's Prayer, Creeds and Biblically based sermons in conjunction with the presentation of major works by choirs and occasional use of newer worship elements such as projection.
Holy Communion is served weekly at the 8:15 a.m. service and once a month at 10:45 a.m., usually on the first Sunday of the month.
Children are encouraged to attend, however qualified childcare is also provided for younger children. The best way to worship our God and His risen Son Jesus Christ is with a friend, so make sure you bring someone with you when you worship at First Church!