There are many ways to support the ministries of First Church. Our General Fund supports the ongoing ministries of First United Methodist church. Mission & Outreach giving supports organizations locally and globally that relieve suffering and spread the good news of God's love.



You can give in person as we take an offering at each Sunday worship service or you can drop it off in the office during the week.

Text FUMCLANC $75 (or any amount) to the phone number 73256. You'll receive a text message in response with your next steps. After you give one time, your payment method is saved, so you can quickly give again from your phone.

You can also use Snail Mail:

First United Methodist Church

29 East Walnut Street

Lancaster, PA 17602

Instructions to Give Online or Manage Schedule Giving

eGiving Guide to Realm

For Discovery Corner Preschool tuition payments please use our new online payment system, Realm.  Please choose the correct drop down information to assign where the money will be placed.

IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions

Save money on taxes while making a donation to the church!  If you own an IRA and are 70 1/2 years of age, you are required to take minimum distributions each year. However, you may not need the added income, nor the added tax burden. Qualified Charitable Distributions are an effective strategy for eliminating taxation on the required minimum distributions taken from your IRA. Contact your Financial Advisor and tax accountants to learn more about this beneficial option!